Idk if anyone will bother looking at this but it is important. As you know my page is a safe space. There will be a cyber attack on June 1st called operation pridefall created by a homophobic group originating from 4chan. They plan on posting Gore and pedophilia and connecting to the LGBT community. They also plan to cyberly attack anyone of the LGBT community. Mainly small accounts. They are also planning on attacking physically. People are going private and taking their pronouns and sexuality out of their bios. Other people are continuing to post using the tag #wewillnotfall. I will be posting during June using this tag. I will not back down to this I am going to stand for my rights and my freedom. My content will be pro LGBT as it has always been. I will be deleting comments that are hateful and I will not be answering dms. If I can find a way to turn off my comments I will be doing that as well. I hope all of you stay safe during pride month. I also hope you all stay safe during quarantine. Sending love. ~Nevarmore.