
Why are people following me the moment my book got yeeted and I will now be forced onto Ao3 forever????
          	*shook Pikachu image*


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I love how I hardly post but it goes from my sleep deprivation, to how fucking gay I feel when I see girls and the occasional straight feelings from guys, to the attempting to eat candle wax like a dumbass cause it smells like fruit loops-


@Unknown-Future hey candle wax tastes good ):


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Why can't I ever do stupid shit without someone trying to stop me? I swear, these people in this server talk and do stupid stuff, but, the second I (who is apparently the most mature and rational) wanna do something's stupid I get told to not do it?
          Like come on, it's just candle wax, I won't swallow it I'm not that dumb. It smells exactly like fruit loops, I just wanna see if it tastes like fruit loops-. There will be no swallowing of the candle wax-
          It's sad when I can't do stupid shit once in a while-  (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ


            I don't want you to eat the candle wax because I worry. If you do swallow the wax, then there could be a blockage somewhere inside you. Just don't eat the wax, it won't taste like froop loops


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Merry Crisis everyone!! Or merry Christmas. Or even happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate! I know I haven't posed in a while but that's cause I'm working on a lovely spicy au for y'all and that's the best shit to write for me. It's gonna be quite the late Christmas present but with lots of words and hopefully extra long.
          Have a happy holiday! Wear your mask! Especially wear your mask if you live in the US or else get shunned! (I live in the US, I insult everyone in the US including myself cause man we Americans are stupid at times.)
          Anyways Feliz Navidad!


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Can I just have a fairy god mother who goes like, "Bippity boppity boo, your laptop is fixed and I have a nice treadmill for you to work on you fatass. There's a nice editing program installed on your laptop, now work on those one shots or else I'm never letting you have a normal sleep schedule again.". Cause that, that's fucking scary yet motivating. 


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So I'm trying out this thing called a "normal" sleep schedule and it's almost 10 pm and I'm about to pass out. I feel odd as shit actually sleeping at night for the first time in a while. Maybe this will help with writers block though. This will be day two or three of sleeping like a normal person. I will miss the manic episodes of cleaning and writing at three am.