
New story loading...read the little teaser and tell me what you think


          "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh" I whimpered to myself as I woke up frantically from a nightmare. I fearfully looked around the spider web filled, moldy room taking in faint breaths; in and out. The creaking of the attic door — opening sends a nervous shiver down my spine as the rate of my heart beat increases by the second.
          My eyes clued to the door, I watch my love-driven psychotic kidnapper enter the room escorted by his maid. 
          "Where is she?" His deep raspy voice asks. 
          "Over here master." The older lady says leading his tall figure in my direction. 
          My body quivers at the sound of his heavy shoes making their way towards me. I once again, gaze at the open attic door, in astonishment; it was almost like a dream come true. I pictured myself walking out a free man — that was the second part to it. 
          I just had to get myself out. I push my body forward; in attempt to escape, however my body was unable to move more than two centimetres from the wall. My eyes trailed in search, to find the contrivance that was holding my freedom captive. 
          My eyes fell upon a rusty silver bracelet; I remembered bracelets to be of a gentle caliber, but this bracelet was what was keeping me from attaining my freedom. They had chained me to the wall. They did this to me because they knew what I was capable of. My breathing became heavier and my eyes couldn't focus, until he made his way and lifted my chin........


Hello, how are you? I’m a new Wattpad author and I was hoping you wouldn’t mind checking out my first book titled ‘Adulation’ I promise it won’t disappoint. Follow back & Thank you for your time.