Now I know what you are probably thinking .......... "how the I end up here?". Well first of all let me just talk I'm just a kid who one day hoping to be up there with the best authors.

You see when I was younger I was got told by people I look up to and they told me "I'm sorry but your story isn't good".

And now I am here to prove the people who doubted me wrong. I am not saying that you should follow me so I can do that. No that not what it is all about, it about liking other people content and having fun with it.

So if you don't like my stories then that is fine by me, but I would like if you told me why you don't like it so I can fix it.

But if you are one of those people that do like my content then feel free to follow me so I can continue these stories.

And I dint know maybe these stories could take us on an Unknown Quest :)
  • Üye olduAugust 30, 2017

Takip ediliyor

Son Mesaj
UnknownQuest UnknownQuest Mar 15, 2018 09:12PM
Sorry guys for the delay next chapter coming soon
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