this message may be offensive
but what if i wanted to be tracer? like you can’t just claim what you aren’t because society doesn’t work that way. so let me be tracer at least once because your bitch ass hogs all the characters so i can’t be shIT. also why won’t my boyfriend kiss me? he skrt skrts and hits that dab like wiz khalifa. i don’t understand, last month we were fine but ever since i started creating content, he stopped kissing me. also, whenever i try to do streaks on snapchat, i go into the mirror and climb the counter but i always fall. or the lights go out and bloody mary takes me to hell. Also. what if i’m dangerous? literally boys get the whole “you’re a girl, you can’t be dangerous” thing but like i have a samurai sword. i am for sure dangerous. people get mad at me for saluting soldiers, like i’m trying to be respectful, you’re the one being disrespectful. also if your not my grandma, don’t scroll.
grandma, stop fucking my boyfriend, he’s considering leaving me for you. it’s not funny anymore....
*grandma goes to jail with 6ix9ine*
thank you for reading my reading my ted talk.