
Part 2 of “I Thought”


Hey! I just started reading your 'Jennie x malereader' book and u wanted to expres how much i like it. Usualy, the books like this are always so over-dramatic, like for exemple 'where high school student than we meet one of the Blackpink members and then we nearly die or she nearly dies or we get in sorts of random fights' but yours isn't like that. I really enjoy it. The book is extremly go and it doesn't have to much drama! You have all my support about this book. U're great. Have a nice day 


Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️


I have a request. For the BLACKPINK imagines. A jennie one. Can it be angst? Like she tries to show that she hates Y/N because the other members and her friends hate him too. In reality she likes him a lot. One day Y/N was just walking with his friends (Seventeen) and was headed to class then he was stopped by Jennie's guy friends (GOT7). They picked on him and everything and told him to die. S. Coups came in time to stop them. Y/N was just crying. Jennie couldn't do anything or she'll lose her friend. That same day, Y/N went home still in thought of what they said. He remembered his parent were on a trip so, he was gonna be all alone. There he decided to end everything. Little did he know Jennie followed but was to let. The end.


@Unknown_151 it actually just came to my head. Like I've heard it before or smthn.


Got It
            I recently read a scenario like this excluding the suicide part but sure.
            AHHH The Angst of this One...


I have another story in mind
          Blackpink x Male Reader
          If they were not an idols but still have professional careers.
          About Y/N though I’m still thinking what’s his situation gonna be...
          ...Should I do a younger Y/N where he is still in high school or a young adult Y/N with also a career...
          ...Anyways it’s up for me to decide
          And I’m just sharing this right now I promised to won’t ignore my two other books.
          Love you all ❤️❤️❤️