Ur talkin bout the skephalo one shot right?
Okay so if u r here’s one that I pulled out of my shitty uncreative imagination so idk u don’t have to do it lol
Basically Darryl has a hobby of collecting records, well he just likes records and has a record player at home so he buys them and likes to play them cuz idk HE LIKES THEM cuz they look cool.
One day he walks into a new different shop then he usually goes to and decides on a few different records, he goes to the cash register to pay for them and Zak is the cashier owo
Zak looks at the records and teases Darryl a lil about his music taste saying it was like ‘Dad’ music or something, the bitches argue a lil and then Zak checks out Darryl and he goes home. When Darryl gets home he goes to play the new records he bought but finds a little note on one of the records.
‘But maybe we could listen to them together ;)’ is one the note (or u could put whatever Idk) Darryl smiles and adds Zak to his contacts.
that’s all I could come up with, it took me 2 seconds so sorry about the idea being shitty lmao u don’t gotta use it
Have a lovely day tho :D