Hey, guys! I know I haven't uploaded anything in awhile, but my keyboard that i normally used for writing had quit working for a while. So, I'm going to give everyone an overall update. I have been informed that the story i gave away to another writer ("The Concert and The Secrets") will no longer be written and has been deleted from Wattpad. I would also like to address the story "Marley and the Hood" is still a go. . . a very slow go, but still a go. Right now where I am it is currently summer time. I am hoping that as soon as school starts back that I will be able to make n update everyday if not almost everyday bout my experience @ the highschool. I will hopefully call it "Last Four Years of School" with @ picture of the school I go to on the front cover.
On my keyboard the letter between the 'Caps lock' button and the 's' is currently not working so if i were to update then you might see any word with @n '@' in it replaced by the @ sign. These @re only spelled correctly with the @ is because they had the little red line thingy under it so it corrected it