
          	I would just like to let you know how pleased i am with how many of you have entered and shown how much you want to win, but with the end of the second round very close, i would like to see more voters in the competition. 
          	At the start we had atleast twenty votes each, and that number has dropped almost to zero, with the match 7 winner only winning with 1 vote to 0. So if you have made it this far, please ask your fans to vote as much as possible, thanks.
          	Match 8 is about to begin and this will be beteen xXAngelArtistXx and our last remaining poet; Rebeca, good luck to both of you.
          	I have already mentioned the shortage of votes, but instead of being completely negative about the subject i thought i would publish a list of our most voted for entrants during the second round, so here they are;
          	1) Saimcheeda - 7 Votes
          	2) StephG - 6 Votes
          	2) Poisined_Silly - 6 Votes
          	4) Cursed_Rose - 5 Votes
          	5) Pepsi334 - 4 Votes
          	Well done to all of you  on the list, but i would just like to point out a couple of things about the peopel on here, firstly, despite being the second most voted for, StephG never made it through as she was beaten by the number 1 Saimcheeda. The story that was entered by Cursed_Rose is no longer on and because of this i have had lots of complaints that she should be withdrawn from the copetition, i disagree as the rules state that the story has to be online at the time of the competition start, Cursed_Rose's story does not break this rule and so is still eligable for the contest. However if cursed_rose herself does not want her old story to be kept in the contest then i will disqualfy it and replace it with the most voted for runner up (StephG), so if you are reading this Cursed_rose and want your story to stay, then please alert me before the end of the second round. 
          	P.S. Cursed Rose, If your story managed to get this far with you not writing it any more, it is obvious that people like it and i hope that this contest has proved to you that this book is worth continueing
          	Thanks Again,
          	Unnoficial Contest


@UnofficialContest I still want to know who won 


          I would just like to let you know how pleased i am with how many of you have entered and shown how much you want to win, but with the end of the second round very close, i would like to see more voters in the competition. 
          At the start we had atleast twenty votes each, and that number has dropped almost to zero, with the match 7 winner only winning with 1 vote to 0. So if you have made it this far, please ask your fans to vote as much as possible, thanks.
          Match 8 is about to begin and this will be beteen xXAngelArtistXx and our last remaining poet; Rebeca, good luck to both of you.
          I have already mentioned the shortage of votes, but instead of being completely negative about the subject i thought i would publish a list of our most voted for entrants during the second round, so here they are;
          1) Saimcheeda - 7 Votes
          2) StephG - 6 Votes
          2) Poisined_Silly - 6 Votes
          4) Cursed_Rose - 5 Votes
          5) Pepsi334 - 4 Votes
          Well done to all of you  on the list, but i would just like to point out a couple of things about the peopel on here, firstly, despite being the second most voted for, StephG never made it through as she was beaten by the number 1 Saimcheeda. The story that was entered by Cursed_Rose is no longer on and because of this i have had lots of complaints that she should be withdrawn from the copetition, i disagree as the rules state that the story has to be online at the time of the competition start, Cursed_Rose's story does not break this rule and so is still eligable for the contest. However if cursed_rose herself does not want her old story to be kept in the contest then i will disqualfy it and replace it with the most voted for runner up (StephG), so if you are reading this Cursed_rose and want your story to stay, then please alert me before the end of the second round. 
          P.S. Cursed Rose, If your story managed to get this far with you not writing it any more, it is obvious that people like it and i hope that this contest has proved to you that this book is worth continueing
          Thanks Again,
          Unnoficial Contest


@UnofficialContest I still want to know who won 


well that's it for the group stages so now you get a week off to do whatever you want to do
          and after the 27th its back to buisness with the final 16:
          Cursed_rose (Light)
          and Rebeca


helllo there :) 
          i was just wandering if you could 
          check out one of my stories? 
          the first one is callled, 'Medony' 
          && its about a girl who has to choose 
          between a totally hot jerk + a sweet 
          mysterious guy (;< 
          the other is called, 'i want you to want me ' 
          && its about a girl who recently gets out of coma 
          + meets a totally hot bad ass ;; (: 
          <3 i hope you give them a go, 
          but if you don't want to or don't have time 
          don't fret, because i COMPLETELY understand (: 
          thanks for reading this message, :) 
          take care! 
          wendyandpeterpan (:


hello everyone, just a quick announcement,
          you may have noticed that heat F has only got two entrants at the moment,
          this is due to two reasons, 
          1) contestant 3 has been disqualified for breaching the contest rules
          and 2) i have had problems uploading contestant 3 due to a mixture of my own idiocy and wattpad's new feature thing
          as a result i am changing heat F into a 1 on 1 contest in which the winner goes through and the runner up loses
          contestant 3 will be entered into heat G an this heat will be a group of five,
          i will update the fixtures/results page shortly with the new arrangement,
          in the mean time why not vote on the current competitiors,


so.....just to clarify, what of my story are you posting? the first chapter? the first part we have on there? what, exactly? and you are going to be taking all of the stories off your profile when the whole thing is said and done, yes?
          just making sure before I go and agree! thanks!


Heat C haa now finished, the winner was Pepsi334 with 5 votes and second wazs MacyU797 with 2 votes, congratulations,
          Heat D will start later today, but i would like conformationfrom the entrants that they understand he rules fully, so please reply with te words "I Understand" if you are; Meowmixshake, Gottalovemonsters, Greensnowleopard or StephG


because of the lack of voters in Heat C, it ha been extended to 3:30 pm tomorrow, Heat D will also start then. So if you want any of the entrants in Heat C to go through, suggest you get voting.
          Also, a reply to Cursed_Rose's message: yes i will allow you to change your entered story as long as you tell me the name of your new entry before your heat begins.