
Okay, this is stupid. Apparently I am having errors posting a bloody comment to a book! And this is all because I changed my email to one that I actually use!


Well... It is late, I am bored, and am out of materials for my commission... While I wait for money to come in, anyone want to do a literate, long term paragraph roleplay? I mostly do scifi and fantasy, but will do all genres since I am quite bored, and have nothing to do but watch cat videos. I am not even joking, I am literally watching cat videos..


I am back guys, and better than ever! I do not have time to continue my book, or even write a new one. Also, since my computer is broken and we do not have the funds to fix it, I won't be online much, but once my computer is fixed, I will try to write my new novel, about a personal multiverse of aliens and time travel, so keep on the lookout for that! That has been all, good day everyone!


Heya, I was wondering if you'd like to roleplay either Pokehuman, elemental fantasy, or something alike? 


I may have a few ideas. You'll have to forgive me, it has been awhile since I've RPed... school and stuff. *shrugs* I also have a tendacy to rp extreamly long passages (sometimes 4-6 paragraphs), I'm attempting to calm it down, but the inner writer in me has a lot to say, ya know? You should tell me if this bothers you...
            I can take the conversation to PM is you want :?


@Crying_Burning_Liar Umm. Sure. I could go for elemental fantasy right now. What do you have in mind?


Thankyou for reading my book, calling me awesome, and the follow! I will make sure to vote, comment and of course read the book itself!!! Your read and follow is the thing that keeps me going on and writing my book!! Please make sure to vote. Also make sure to comment and you can suggest things and I will try to make it happen in my book.


Hello my followers, just letting you guys know that I have just published my first book. Please leave me support and so you know I have been quite busy recently so I won't be publishing new parts often, maybe like once or twice a week so goodbye.