
Just so I don't forget since I'm going with my cousins to celebrate, Happy New years Everyone! 2022 has been tough but we've pulled through and kept together. Don't loose hope and don't loose faith! It's just a faze, only way to make it through is just surviving it till things get better!


I'm not sure if this applies to you, but I know that you seem to have some kind of interest in Dragon Ball, so here's this link.
          This is a link to a video requesting aid in getting a new transformation added to the game Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. The Awoken Skill Super Saiyan 4. If you are a fan of the game and want the skill added, be sure to watch the video leave a like,(Though I didn't really watch the full video, I just followed the instructions at the beginning and left) leave a comment, and show your overall enthusiasm about the project. If any. It will be sent to Bandai Namco and if they see that it's what everyone wants, they will do it to possibly make more money by making the game more popular by fulfilling a popular demand. I already left my comment on how I think it would work in the game. If you have any ideas, please let it be known. Who knows. They might just pick your idea.


What's up man?


@UnusualSamurai I didn't know you were still active, but I saw that you added a story of mine to your reading list, so I decided to say hi.


@-Last_Dragonborn- [ Did you want something? I appreciate the kind words but it seem to just... appear abruptly ]


Can I ask you a question


@UnusualSamurai well I was wondering do you think you could do a story on male reader x Assassin Creed Odyssey or Valhalla


@az1234567777777777 [ I did, haven't finished it cause of how long it is but I did finish valhalla ]


@RoguetheUndying have you played Assassin Creed Odyssey


Just so I don't forget since I'm going with my cousins to celebrate, Happy New years Everyone! 2022 has been tough but we've pulled through and kept together. Don't loose hope and don't loose faith! It's just a faze, only way to make it through is just surviving it till things get better!


It's my birthday! November 27, I'm 25 years old now. Man, does time fly 


@Mecha_Fenix [ Seems to be the only thing I do on my birthday these days... ]


@UnusualSamurai Happy birthday dude! Eat everything and don't share a single snack! XD