
Hello everyone, I don’t know if anyone is still interested in my book, “Physchopath Diaries”, but I took a little trip down memory lane and re-read my book and all the sweet, encouraging comments left under it. It’s been about two years, give or take, since I last updated, and, given my last post on here, I clearly had no intention of revisiting it. However, given that I still receive comments every so often under my book after all this time, I have a new sense of encouragement to continue writing and have found that I genuinely miss writing and uploading on this site. To make a very long post somewhat shorter, what I am asking is for you guys to decide whether or not I should continue adding to “Psychopath Diaries”, or come out with something new, as maybe you too, have grown out of that story. Please let me know, and here’s to a possible comeback 


yes please continue PD!


Yes please continue PD! :)


@Up-In-The-Clouds99 finished reading the book today and even though it's been a n year since u posted this message I would recommend completing the book


Hello everyone, I don’t know if anyone is still interested in my book, “Physchopath Diaries”, but I took a little trip down memory lane and re-read my book and all the sweet, encouraging comments left under it. It’s been about two years, give or take, since I last updated, and, given my last post on here, I clearly had no intention of revisiting it. However, given that I still receive comments every so often under my book after all this time, I have a new sense of encouragement to continue writing and have found that I genuinely miss writing and uploading on this site. To make a very long post somewhat shorter, what I am asking is for you guys to decide whether or not I should continue adding to “Psychopath Diaries”, or come out with something new, as maybe you too, have grown out of that story. Please let me know, and here’s to a possible comeback 


yes please continue PD!


Yes please continue PD! :)


@Up-In-The-Clouds99 finished reading the book today and even though it's been a n year since u posted this message I would recommend completing the book


This message is for anyone that is currently reading Psychopath Diaries, or was reading it while I was updating frequently: I do not plan to continue this story, and although I have been  M.I.A on Wattpad I have been working on more stories, but have not felt the need or want to continue Psychopath Diaries. I plan to start another story on here very shortly, as I have a good amount of it written. Psychopath Diaries was a story I began years ago, and feel like I myself have outgrown it and wouldn't even know where to continue. With all that being said, I apologize to anyone who was genuinely interested in this story, and hope I can bring you back with my next book. Thank you all for your patience.


@Up-In-The-Clouds99 I freaking loved your book. At first, I thought it was supposed to end there with kind of a cliffhanger and questions that would be answered in a sequel or something. But after reading this message I think that, despite me dying to find out what happened to Molly, I'm content with what I read and am looking forward to reading more of your work. :)


Well..that is unexpected but I really enjoyed reading your book  its unique...i hope you continue writing it


As a side note, I will be keeping Psychopath Diaries up, as there is a small possibility of me continuing, or re-writing it. I'm also aware people may still be reading it


Okay so I've decided to reformat Psychopath Diaries because I think the format is a bit inconsistent at the  moment, and I feel like its necessary to really convey the personal thought and journal feel I'd like to have throughout the story. Just wanted to give everyone a little forewarning.


I just want to say a big thank you to anyone who has been following my book from the beginning, and even to those of you who just began to read it. I know I am absolutely atrocious with updates, and I really just want to thank anyone reading Psychopath Diaries for your patience with me, it means a lot. That's all. <3