@ciangray10 I don’t know but I have some ideas on story’s and trying to fix all the story’s but all story has 3-5 new chapters in development. I’m just very busy with work and personal life but I am still writing just slowly cause I get very tired and only have 1-2 day off depends if I’m lucky sorry for the inconvenience
@arthasmenethil01 I’ll chew on it but here discord: UrDead#9698 add me and I would like to know more for the main plot I read the biography part it’s interesting
So there are some error happening on my Wattpad and I’ve been very busy irl with personal issue but I can say on my doc 2 mission is almost done so please stand by
I do have something planned but it is canon on what will happen with Jaune hmm maybe I’ll throw in something non canon maybe when it happens but I’ll be posting F.N.G tomorrow hope your ready!! Btw thank you!