
Taking a break. 
          	Hello all, sorry to say this again, but I am taking a break from Wattpad, discord, etc… so much is on my mind recently and I am getting so so stressed about random things so I decided I’d push not updating away from my mind. 
          	Recently, I have gotten back into a stage of my life where I wanted it all to end and almost did something I know I would regret, and I don’t want to be there anymore. So I apologize again if I disappoint anyone including my friends.
          	Love you all.


Take as much time as you need. No need to rush anything. Always here for you if you need anything. Don't be afraid to ask. We will be waiting with open arms for when you come back. Love you too.


bro literally take ALL the time you need. We love you and will wait to have you back. Genuinely feel free to text me if you ever need it. Love you. 


I love you too. I hope you feel better soon and heal from whatever you’re feeling. Always here for you


Mentally Kiara Carrera


@strvsxao and that’s mentally gay


And I’m mentally your Sarah Cameron 