
Chapter eleven of 'My world' is out nowww <3


Okay, y'all, I need some help. idk if anyone will see this lol but still. So basically I think i might have a crush on someone but I'm not sure like I think he's funny and cute and sweet and he has a nice smile and all that fun stuff but like idk if I actually LIKE him or if it's just that I see the good in him? Idk someone help me bc I've barely even had any interactions with him, and my best friend thinks I like him even tho I have never told her any of this lol someone tell me what to do I'm so conflicted bc like I always think about him and I feel like I've caught him staring a few times but idk if I'm just being delusional ahhhh help me TT (Can you tell I'm having a bit of a crisis)


@pookiexwookiexbear lol ty, I appreciate it. I'm still having a crisis, but it's a little calmer lmao 


@Ur_Fav_Laylay oh it's hard if u don't know
            and idk what to do with this info, i lowkey just "pulled it out of my ass" i just said waht i thought would be helpful lol


Hey... I'm alive lol sry for disappearing all the time (not that anyone cares lol) life has been A LOT also, should I continue updating 'my world'? I don't think anyone's actually reading it lol


@Hyunjinsidechick yea lol I love the distractions <3


@Ur_Fav_Laylay Yeah It’s nice to have something to do so you feel productive but glad you’re good


@Hyunjinsidechick I'm good! I've been very busy with the holidays, but honestly, I can't complain. I low-key love it lol 