Hello people. This is my acc that i made back in 2023-ish. I have made a new one to write a story similar to "Lovely" if you have read it, except it will be named "Verbal Violence". I have gained more experience, so hopefully the story isn't as complicated and unappealing as before. I will be posting updates on my new acc, not this one. I hope yall have a great day

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@314159265fb368979 ...ok so scratch that. that didn't work out. I'm still surprised I still have followers even though I haven't posted in a year. And if you're wondering, no this isn't a spam acc, this is actually Arrow or Spades or whatever the actual fuck I called myself back then. I had been dealing with mental health issues and shit like that this past year and now I'm making a Ao3 acc. I'm not writing on this one, im not reading any comments, good or bad. Unfollow me when I post my Ao3 acc and maybe follow that one. I get it if you're angry at me for not commiting to a fanfic but I will explain what my acc is for on Ao3