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I'm thinking of a new story, ziall obviously, quite cliché again... Might call it like "The teacher cliché" to sort of ... Making my own signature But anyway through the year I've been creating it in ma head and I really feel the need to post it here... So the story would be like, Zayn is a teacher since 4 years and Niall's like 17. His family is deep Catholic and so Niall is trying to figure out what his personality is without his parents control and faith with Zayn's help. When I say help I mean that they're going to fall in love blabla but it won't be a fiction where I say that faith, religion and everything are bullshit. But more like a way to show that it has developed itself like some restriction more than what people really need, conversation, confidence and relationships. And that way, re-show it like that. (It's not really clear I know) Also there would a lot of making out, smut things because hell yay that's what we, my friends, are living for. So tell me if it looks interesting for u, should I write it this summer ? Let me know

@ inziall awwwn you're cute I've been starting over some chapters that I wrote few years ago, maybe I'll post it this month ...