
In the process of writing a new book called "Teenage Dream" and I'm not sure if I'm ever gonna publish it. Anyways I'm gonna continue writing it until I figure that out. It's much different than all my books but I think it might turn out good. Just don't know if y'all would read. Anyways updates coming soon with "Fireworks" "Nothing Personal" "Say Yes" "Fire & Desire" and "Rack City." 


Thanks for the follow, I'll check out your books if you check out mine. BTW nice covers, what app do you use to make them??


Her username is _tolerated. And I'll definitely check out your books


I actually have someone to make them 


In the process of writing a new book called "Teenage Dream" and I'm not sure if I'm ever gonna publish it. Anyways I'm gonna continue writing it until I figure that out. It's much different than all my books but I think it might turn out good. Just don't know if y'all would read. Anyways updates coming soon with "Fireworks" "Nothing Personal" "Say Yes" "Fire & Desire" and "Rack City." 


Hey guys! I have 4 books published as of right now. Will be posting 1st chapter of "Fire & Desire" soon. Will also be updating "Fireworks", "Say Yes", and "Nothing Personal." Will also be publishing 2 books soon. They will be titled "Rack City" and "Rider." They'll be coming soon. I have plenty of time since I'm on summer break. 


Updated my book covers… Hope you like them!
          Also unpublished a lot of my books. Will probably not be published again because I have lost motivation for those books. 
          I have updated my technique of making book covers. Will still be making book covers but I will use my standard technique, which is still pretty good. My new technique takes a lot of time and some money so if you want your cover like that, the you'll have to pay. Sorry! For more details, message me. 


Nothing Personal is going to be continuously updated. Fireworks update will be coming soon. Been That Way will be put on hold but it's first chapter should be up in a little while. My main focuses right now are Nothing Personal and Fireworks. As I said before, the rest of my books will be discontinued FOR NOW. Everyone start reading Nothing Personal, it's really good. If you need a cover, look at my previous post. Other than that, keep following me and vote, comment, and read my books. 


If anyone is looking for someone to do a book cover for them, message me. 
          Conditions For Making Book Covers:
          1. Must Follow Me
          2. Must Vote For My 3 Most Recent Books
          3. Must Have Read At Least 1 Of My Books
          4. Must Give Me Credit For Creating Cover
          It would probably take me 1-3 days to do covers because I have other things to do. Because it is not professional, no charge is required UNLESS you are actually doing your book and gaining money from it on sites such as Amazon. I WILL be saying Cover By: UrbanGvdess. Thanks in advance!