
Uhhhhhhhhh i just reread Locker Room and how did some of you all take that seriously LMFAO IM SORRY BUT-


this message may be offensive
Just a little rant. I was in school, i overheard these two boys in my grade saying this "If I knew it was the gay kid i wouldn't have done it.... i don't like that guy" And I couldn't see his fucking face, all i could do was flip his god damn back off, i couldn't confront him or anything because i didn't know what i would say, I got really angry and was so angry i told a lot of people about it, and its not even like these things are uncommon, its just that i SAW it, and these are the same assholes who would fetichize lesbians( Autocorrect is deciding to be mean so sorry for grammar) I bet, and don't try to say that maybe he was just using gay as an adjective and this guy doesn't like him because of some other reason, because you know that's not true.  I don't need you to say "oh that sucks" or PITY me, or calm me down or make any coping jokes because right now id like to be angry. I honestly feel like fire and you don't need to set me out. I think my anger can give me a main character arc too.... and i want to do something with this anger so help me fuel it anyone >:)   (I will try to be rational but i'm not going to be teacher rational; as in waiting for a convenient time and being more understanding.) trust me i'm understanding of these homophones and their fragile masculinities. I've remained open minded, but just because i'm open minded doesn't mean i'm going to back down about my thoughts and shit. Also just to be safe, if my job ever finds this, i don't know what to say because i don't think i did anything wrong here, i'm sorry for swearing a lot though! I will remain professional while working i promise (I'm not old enough to have a job I am keeping this for future reference but I am serious)  ALSO I have this friend and its interesting because they are such a main character and I don't think they realize it... just the way her lives lays out lmao


@Urmomkindacxte by far one of my favorite posts i have ever come across. "fragile masculinities" really glad someone can put that out here 


@Littlegaebb07 i have no idea why but... Mood


Did you unfollow me :|


@Littlegaebb07 thank youuu,I’ve been struggling a bit cause we have so many lessons but I’ll manage 


Bestie are you alive


@Littlegaebb07 well my final exams start next week so idk ://


@0nlyTheBrave028 Ive been gooooood how about you?


@Littlegaebb07 I’ve missed youuuu where have you beennnnn 




audio audio..... im jelous.


i don’t really get cramps tho i think i’m lucky 8)


Do yall ever have a bad day and feel like you feel like that everyday and then proceed to convince yourself so?


i have bad days and then after when i have good days it always feels so weird that i ever had a bad day in the first place