
Should I give Delsin a pet baby shark with legs... like Jeff from Marvel?
          	It just 'randomly' pop in my head, don't worry it's definitely 'not' important to the story and dov opz nylha nyhukmhaoly pz ;)


Hey man! Hope you're doing well. How're you doing with the CinderxSalem chapter of Heated Moments? I think the guy had also managed to release a RavenxSummer chapter after that before it was taken down, and the bit at the end seemed to hint that he was planning on KalixWillow after that. Maybe I'm just misremembering.


@Us3rm3m3 there used to be. RWBY x Minato Male father reader harem lemon book can you re create it


@Us3rm3m3 you really should just upload the RWBY one 


@Tanya1796645 Thanks for the tip


@Us3rm3m3 I Would probably post it on a second account I think someone reposted and got banned.


Which title (I meant like an alias) is more badass?
          Red Shogun of the Heavens
          Samurai Jack
          Red Sun of Paradise
          Pick don't worry this won't affect the story :)
          This is for another story:
          The Black Death
          Father Time
          The Latina Pounder 3000


@Kaykore This one is a joke from Adam


I’m sorry, the Latina what?!


this message may be offensive
OKAY I'm reading Lobotomy Kaisen (Jujutsu Kaisen) and I realized something... isn't Fraudjo's (Gojo) infinity and blue/red works a little bit like a black/white holes. You see a Gojo is like the black hole's singularity (the center of the black hole) here's the thing that makes me think that both (Gojo and singularity) are alike, The closer you get to the singularity/Gojo the slower you get.
          Blue works a little bit like a black hole... It suck objects to it (minus the slowing down part).
          Red on the other hand does the opposite... What is the opposite of a black hole?... YES! A white hole! It pushes objects away rather than suck in.
          This is a thing that has been on my head for a while now and it became a BIOLOGICAL NEED because Qeb Yixzh Abxqe xipl exp qeb pxjb xyfifqv.
          The way to solve it ?????????? FUCK! He's keeping from ?????! Um... Okay here is how you solve it "Take 23 steps ahead to Little Caesar's Pizza" (replace the places of the first apple and the only evening). If manage to figure it out DO NOT spread it. I'm in already too much trouble! Wouldn't want me to die would you?