So uh recently I've decided to rewrite All of my Ocs and AUs so all stories I have On here and everywhere else are Gonna get Rewritten ,unless I Think the Story is already good as it is I'll just continue it or leave it be, but otherwise It's gonna be a while Before I'll get anything Updated, Created, and like Ghosted Glitch Rewritten Cause I have a LOT of AUs, Ocs and Stories I want to Edit
Currently I'm Editing Guardiantale, My First Undertale Au so Once I'm Done with that it's possible I'll Write something for it but I'm not at that point yet since I Just started Yesterday so uh we'll see with time if that'll ever happen
anyways hope y'all are having a Wonderful Morning/afternoon/Night and Don't forget to Drink water, Eat something if you need to, Take a Nap, and if You have Medication you haven't taken yet make sure you take them <3
See ya for now