
Hello! I'm writing a bunch of books unrelated to elmax rn and I wanted to know which one yall would like to receive first.
          	1-stealing kisses
          	2-girls on film
          	3-White walls
          	If anyone is reading this, please give me some input x


Hi. I know noone cares thus won't see this but just know that I'm sorry. I broke promises and kinda dropped off the face of the earth. It doesn't matter, its not like it really affected your life at all but I felt obliged to apologise. I know I haven't updated. My mental health had been terrible, not that anyone cares anyway, but it demotivated me to write. I will try. I can promise that much. And I don't just mean about the book. If ykyk. But I'll try. If you read this, I love you. And I hope you know that you mean something. Lyl x


So. I have just watched Call Me By Your Name and GODDDDDDD! I swear its the most moving movie ever but amongst its greatness, Its left me feeling weird. Empty almost. The feelings indescribable and i dont know what to do. If you watch or have watched it then please tell me what it meant to you and the ending feeling.