Honestly someone just needs to shut me up! Just hit me in the face with a brick! Honestly no one cares about my problems and I don't blame them! I'm a worthless, cowardly, piece of sh!t for hells sake! I should listens to others much more often! Everyone is more important than me and I'm just a b!thx! There problems are much more important than mine! Like oh I have crippling dysphoria and I'm a poor little tranny who can't stand up to his parents! Oh my life is so hard! (Can you hear the sarcasm in my feminine voice?!) God damn it I hate myself! If I could just man up for five God damn seconds my life wouldn't be as hard as it is! I could just punch God into the face right now, not gonna lie! I'm f*cked up. I just need to shut up and listen to others honestly. Like I said, just drop a brick on my face please so I can just shut up for once! I'm actually begging for someone to do this please!
this message may be
@UserNotFound110 Okay come to my PMs. I care about your problems. You're not worthless. You're not a coward, you braver than you think. You are not a piece of shit. Nope. You're not a bitch. Don't ever compare yourself. If it still affects you, it's a problem and means something. *hugs tight* it's okay hun, I know how it feels trust me. Just come to my PMs. You are a wonderful person and i love ya. We're all a little fucked up, no one's perfect. But I wanna help.
@NITROBLOND More precisely, a Deanut!
It’s one in the morning I need to go to the bathroom But I don’t have any toilet paper Yes you needed this information
Please tell me that I’m not the only one who listens to Disney songs when they have nothing else to do....
@UserNotFound110 nope but the only Disney songs I listen to are cover songs from a woman named "Anna" she's a cover artist from YouTube and I absolutely love her voice.
I totally forgot that I put Backstreet Boys on my playlist as a joke and it just started playing and I was laughing on the ground for the entire song....
I’m going to hell, and you best believe that I’m taking all of you with me!!!
Do you ever just regret EVERYTHING?
I need a male character x female reader story where the character that the reader has been crushing on turns out to be gay in the end! And that’s it! That’s the story!!!
Me, desperately trying to describe my undying love for my husband: Have you ever seen something so perfect that you just can’t help but cry!?!?!
@-honeyangel- Fictional, but the love of my life never the less! Please help, my addiction to this man is unhealthy