What§ up whores aorry i was gpne. I just rarely go kn here anymore. Anyways  good day pretty sluts and sorry for the bad typing


I realize now that I'm more of a sensitive person than I thought. My little sister decided to hit me in the face and I started crying in the bathroom. How have I not realized before how sensitive I am, or much I wanna leave here? I only feel happy and forget about bad things when im drawing and on the internet, why can't people understand? I jut wanna move to Florida already, I miss my mom. Maybe I'm blocking out my emotions too much, but everyone always picks her side even if shes obviously in the wrong because shes younger. I hate her, shes too spoiled and I hate it here. I can't do what I want without feeling uncomfortable and judged. Sorry about this, I jusf felt like venting. Thanks for readin this if you made it to the end for some reason. 


Should Cinnamon make an art book?


I kinda did I maaaay have deleted it :'l


@Cinnamon_Roll2242 Cinnamon should make an artbook.