
@Japanese_Stalker Its iiUyuteaBaconDOnut


@NoonaDdreamer  Really? Around 2008, I saw Big Bang. Then the Wonder  Girls. Then 2ne1. At first, I really loved any YG artist. But then I saw Girls Generation( or So Nyuh Shi Dae(SNSD) ). Then I saw 2pm. Then SHINee, and other groups that I can't remember. T-T Anyway, now I'm a hardcore kpop fangirl( hehe not as crazy and hardcore as saeseng fans xD ) that is opening up to more groups. My top 5 fav songs? ( 0 counts )                                                      1: EXO Thunder                                                                     2:EXO Moonlight                                                               3: Kris,Jessica,Krystal Say Yes                                             4:TaeTiSeo Baby Steps                                                      5:Taeyeon Hush Hush( I will survive )                               0:EXO My Lady.                                                                        I have a lot more songs that I really love.