/ kiss
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ּ♡ neglecting my favorite oc is insane.. sigh
/ kiss
ּ♡ neglecting my favorite oc is insane.. sigh
ּ♡ "it's rumi's favorite day chat!" i exclaims with sarcasm
⠀ ⠀⠀ ❛ i don’t usually get gifts for my ⠀ ⠀⠀ clients .. but you’re an exception, ⠀ ⠀⠀ only ‘cuz ya been a regular for ⠀ ⠀⠀ so long. happy birthday, hise-san. ❜
[ SNIFFS. sitting on the floor IN HER Living room. lips tugging in displeasure, though he'll admit HE ENJOYED, being coddled. A first Something he'd not felt ever. Or In so... LONG. ] 'm fine, ma. [ hands slap. To mouth, the word had SLIPPED. ears reddening. And he growls at his own action. She wasn't. His mother, she'd just treated him too WELL. his guard breaking. Foolishly. ] sorry..
ּ♡ @H0WLZR [ soft smile tugs on her lips, though a surprise runs through her at his words. had he gotten so comfortable with already? that was a good thing so she wasn't disappointed. had her actions come off motherly? perhaps he'd been missing that in his life. rumi had found him, unparented. rough. for wear as well, but not afraid. wary more like it. female moves over to him and kneels in front of the child, ] honey, it's fine, really, don't be sorry. what ever you feel comfortable with addressing me by, you're free to call me so.
✧ i just saw ur suggestion after hw, but im omw !!!!
ּ♡ happy birthday to rumi hise, my all time favorite mha oc and quite possibly oc in general. cb and specify opt!
ּ♡ @kondakus no rush!! you're such a sweetheart for saying that, warms my heart, it's so simple but just enough to make me smile. ( i love my ocs so much )
*mother i crave. VIOLENCE.
well, if you say this looks alright then i'm going to wear it. i care more for your opinion than my own. besides, you always have a sense for style ( ´ᵕˋ ˶)
it doesn't much matter to me what you're wearing, i'm not strictly here for your outfits. [ a light sigh escapes her, though it's not of distress there's amusement laced in the action, ] maroon suits you though. and blacks of course. there is a way to make nuetrals work without them seeming bland as well, you just have to pair it with the right type of attire. and i know you have a sense of style, you've chosen very well for yourself thus far. [ there's a deep affection within those words, which always there was, for him only. ] LOVING, @compressions ♡
clothes are neither here nor there ... i would rather you prefer how they look. i would just pick some neutrals and call it a day, which isn't all that fun at the end of the day.
they say the people make the clothes. and i care for your opinion, so if you don't like it then we aren't going to have you wear it. [ the blonde promptly places on hand on her face and the other props it up. her expression clearly one of thought. ] LOVING, @compressions. ּ♡
.. you're sure you're alright? i don't think i've ever seen you this exhausted, love.
[ a hum of thought, before an answer, ] any one of those sounds nice.. [ affection laced in tired gaze for him, he was so sweet to her even though she was capable of doing so herself, he'd never hesitate to offer. ] just give me a moment to organize and tidy everything up. [ light brown irises flicker over papers, mind tempted to continue but seemingly set on appeasing her lover and steering clear of harming her health. ] LOVING, @compressions ּ♡
( despite her adorable demeanor, he has to hold firm on this decision. normally he wouldn't try to pry on her productivity but .. better to make sure she was in top condition than wearing herself out. ) great. i'll make tea. and perhaps draw a bath or prepare the bed .. just let me know what you'd like to do, alright?
[ a more child–like expression breaks through in her moments of tire. a frown, more so pout, tugs at her lips and she fiddles with the pen she held in her hands, ] i wasn't finished though.. [ though a sigh escapes her, she didn't wish to worry him ever. rumi would do anything to be cause of his happiness not heart ache. ] alright, only because you suggested it. [ if it were anyone else, she'd have brushed it off. she loved the man, that much and way more. eternally. ] LOVING, @compressions ּ♡
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