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i’m gonna FUCKING KILL MYSELFFFFFFFFFFFFFF AHAHEJSJWKEKDKDKD I WANAN FIE SO BAD PLESDE SOMEONE SHOW UP ON MY FOORDYEP AND SHOOT ME IN THE HEAD/hj Anwyayd! Guys, i’m like procrastinating on ghis chapter cuz i lowkey fprgot what happens on that episode but de guys, i’ll post it sooner or later!!


O was tweakin fr


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i’m gonna FUCKING KILL MYSELFFFFFFFFFFFFFF AHAHEJSJWKEKDKDKD I WANAN FIE SO BAD PLESDE SOMEONE SHOW UP ON MY FOORDYEP AND SHOOT ME IN THE HEAD/hj Anwyayd! Guys, i’m like procrastinating on ghis chapter cuz i lowkey fprgot what happens on that episode but de guys, i’ll post it sooner or later!!


O was tweakin fr


Is anyone not busy rn or anytime ?? I need someone to talk/rant 2 abt my OCs and a new one i’m creating, and my 2 friends r either busy or would be uninterested in my OCs and probably would find me weird. !!


@V1S4L1A YIPPEEE :3 Now im excited. (THANK YOU-)


@Xiandra_xix OFCC!! ID LOVE TO LYK MORE ABT THEM. Ill lyk when i’m finished with there backstories and their designs!! (And dw, I can understand perfectly well.)


(also sorry if its hard to understand the things i said, especially since they don't have '.' or commas.. english isn't my first language )


I think I have a crush on my own OC. 


@V1S4L1A you need to show me her one day


@Jasminhi1  She’s a new one; Maru. I forgot where the name came from but LAMENDJWKAKSKDK, guys she’s literally so fine. She’s a little bit based off me and Killua—maybe I have a thing for myself. I’d explain her to you but i’m omw to school rn


PMG GUYS IM LITERALLY SO EMO. Anywho!! The next chapter is around 6k words, I hope y’all don’t mind!! That’s gonna be the normal amount of words for each chapter btw :33 Also, my bad for not posting :c SUMEMR BREAK IS SOON SO BE READY FOR SOME CHAPTERS!!


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Love it how 3 months after I finally got better and my mental was genuinely good, it plummets again. I haven’t felt like this in 3 MONTHS, and that stupid fucking feeling it back again. Chapters are gonna late and slow from now on, I apologize.


It’s okay, it’s not your fault anyways. Unfortunately, my baby cousin couldn’t make it through the night. It’s just another horrible hurdle in life, like my uncle said.


@V1S4L1A I'm so sorry all of this is happening to you :(


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I lied to you guys, the chapter was not coming soon  I’m gonna try to finish it, as it’s almost done, but with all the shit happening it’s gonna be a bit hard. My uncle and aunt had a miscarriage not to long ago, and then my aunt got pregnant again but her water broke three months earlier than expected, and they had to get an emergency sea section, but now the baby is bleeding from both sides of her brain and they only have two choices: Kill her or let her be paralyzed for her entire life. Mind you, it’s so hard for my aunt to get pregnant but we dk why. Lowkey upset cuz my last cousin died and now it might happen again.