Random moments in boueibu let's go
- Atsushi can apparently smell innocence
- Toothbrush incident
- Ryuu's dirty mind activating when Yumoto said he was losing something
- twins kinkshame eachother whilst caressing a glass coffin with their man crush in
- a reindeer that stands on two legs crashes a Christmas party
- the glasses incident
- chocolate incident- aka Yumoto gets love poisoned and attacks everyone with cuddles. Does not go well. 3/4 get seriously overwhelmed
- 17 year old has real estate broker licence
- screw monster violates pink haired twink
- my favourite side character stalks Io...
- En smelling Kinshiro
- "From married women to-" HOMEWRECKER AT 16, really, Ryuu?
- "I can't believe he's 26" me neither, En. I thought he was 40
- the whole episode that has the quote from above in with everything being about balls
- "His balls, huh?- okay, I'm gonna hit the hell out of them" - Ryuu
- and multiple other quotes