Aight, Mattie out, see you who knows when....

SOOO IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME I'm here to say the boueibu movie has been out in Japan in a while and I can't wait... BUT... THE ADULT DESIGNS ARE FUNKY.. EN IS HOMELESS WHAT.... but my favourite part? SOMEONE SAID ATSUSHI DESERVES JAIL? WHAT DID THAT WALKING DISASTER DO NOW?

Random moments in boueibu let's go - Atsushi can apparently smell innocence - Toothbrush incident - Ryuu's dirty mind activating when Yumoto said he was losing something - RYUU IT IS NOT HIS VIRGINITY - twins kinkshame eachother whilst caressing a glass coffin with their man crush in - a reindeer that stands on two legs crashes a Christmas party - the glasses incident - chocolate incident- aka Yumoto gets love poisoned and attacks everyone with cuddles. Does not go well. 3/4 get seriously overwhelmed - 17 year old has real estate broker licence - screw monster violates pink haired twink - my favourite side character stalks Io... - En smelling Kinshiro - "From married women to-" HOMEWRECKER AT 16, really, Ryuu? - "I can't believe he's 26" me neither, En. I thought he was 40 - the whole episode that has the quote from above in with everything being about balls - "His balls, huh?- okay, I'm gonna hit the hell out of them" - Ryuu - and multiple other quotes

So recently I've been just constantly going on about Atsushi because he is genuinely adorable- and usually I always talk about Ryuu because it's Ryuu.. but this past month I've noticed its not just him and now I wanna talk about him.Also there are some really weird quotes that I might just post sometime........ anyway its like almost 3 30 am lol

gosh I want to hug that mess of a guy and tell him everything's alright. He's the best leaf

And no I'm not in love with Atsushi, It's not the "I'm crazy about you" talk, it's just because he's cute. AND HE CLEARLY HAS MENTAL PROBLEMS

Guys.. Guys. Ibushi Arima supremacy

Yall I'm back again lol, however that's just for these few minutes

ty for the follow

Also I had to delete wattpad app due to space issues, currently using the Web on my phone lol

Two words- or well a name: Toshiki Masuda.