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Wait I just wanna drop this here since THESE ARE SOME OF THE FUNNY EXPERIENCES I HAVE IN JAPAN:
          	-- First, there's this shop that has a lot of variety and lots and lots of stuff in it. And of course, I have no idea (most of the time) what those things are, mainly becos I can't read or understand Japanese. So I was just lookin around for some stuff to spend my money on then I came across a corner with a red curtain and dum me didn't read and got shocked and hella embarrassed CAUSE IT WAS FULL OF SEX TOYS. YES. Dang... Ppl would prolly think I'm a thirsty ass biach (I am tho), no wonder there are so few people around that area. I wanted one fr tho (jk) not rlly haha
          	-- Second I didn't understand what the cashier man was saying that I almost ate ice cream without paying for it cause I thought it was already paid, punched out and all (Dumb ass hoe is me <3)
          	-- Third, it was cold hella cold, especially the harsh winds that I almost got my umbrella blown away with me