@Tendachocolate OMG  I'm so honored to hear this come from you,  I know it's silly,  but your book helped me overcome the "caring about what people say" phase, I've gone past that, and honestly,  the way you displayed the erotic scenes with the dominance and submission of the main characters,  and the attitudes of the characters had me hooked. And so I began erotic writing but only on small pieces so that I can puzzle them all together and see if something becomes of it,  so thank you so much for that, and also music is my go to if I have no daily inspiration  


@Tendachocolate of its not too personal,  I have to know, what inspires you.  I am currently writing a story,  and inspiration is only found at school for me  so...  I just have to know what is it that makes you write like this, what is it that fuels you to write with amazing technique  if it doesn't trouble you. If it does no sweat  ☺ 


@Tendachocolate you have amazing ideas for these stories you write,  really amazing,  I love especially the twists to the obvious adaptation of liking your best friend. Heaps of people write about a one sided love for a best friend relationship,  and yours is my favourite by far,  and I have alot of books,  love your work ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥