Thank you, thank you and THANK YOU!
376 days, hundreds of hours of research, notes, timelines, re-writes, 450 pages, 29 chapters and 114,658 words... I finished my first complete manuscript!
WOW! I'm over the moon with excitement and the fulfillment of a dream I've had for years. I’ve had this story in my head for years. It's taken to paper several times, but never to fruition. I would start, and stop. As life happens, I would have excuses not to be able to write. The world went on and so did I; raising a son on my own, new jobs, a sick parent, a new relationship, planning a wedding and more. It all comes with how hectic life can become, during the highest of highs, and lowest of lows.
It also takes determination and dedication. I gave up many weekends, time with friends and when I should have been working out, I was writing. ( That will be a new focus!)
I've tried several writing platforms and none really spoke to me until my mom told me of Wattpad. She saw a story on the news about Wattpad and how all these writers were there posting stories, novels and offering support and realtime feedback. I checked out Wattpad that day and posted my first chapter a week later.
I'm so glad I did and I can't thank my Mom enough for giving me that push to write.
I also want to say, thank you to my wife for standing beside me and encouraging me to, "write the words."
Thank you Kiki for supporting me during the endless hours we were separated by my need to create and write.
I have final edits and beta readers to run through my manuscript, I'll shop it around and will most likely, self publish but it's completed!
I won't know what to do with all my free time ahead...oh yeah, I'll be thinking about my next book.
I hope you sit back enjoy and please, feel free to give any comments or feedback.
V. Carson Taylor