Hello everynyan!!! :3
I know you guys probably are wondering what the hell happened to me but i forgot to announce it on here but: I'm currently taking a hiatus from both bot and fanfic writing due to stress from my school work and work in general i have to do to help keep a roof over my younger siblings and two dads head's. As stated on my character ai account (Xyukkii4Malleus), I will be coming back to both fanfic and bot writing on the 30th of September. I have a bunch of bots and some other stuff for the big day, and i hope this cleared up any confusion and concern. I am just fine, just taking a break, again, i will be back since.. I ALWAYS COME BACK. But in all seriousness, I was just stressed balancing a lot but i am okay now that I'm weeks into my break, it's never felt so good to step back and take a break, and i think i should say this; If you're suffering from stress from bot and/or fanfic writing, it is a-okay to take a break, real fans of yours would know that and encourage it. Please drink water, eat (even if it's just a little), and have a wonderful day/night/afternoon <3