I’m still very alive!
But this account is about to not be.
Let me explain.
Later today, I will be creating a new account. Why? Because I no longer want to create fanfiction, but rather, a story.
I would’ve said “my own story”, but it’s not “my own”. This story is going to be written by me, but the characters inside will be both mine, and a friend’s- as much as I hate that, it is going to be both fun, and an adventure.
Now, I cannot give any details of this story, mainly because this story is so early on in the works that it does not even have a name- therefore, I don’t have any details to give.
Once this new account has been made, I will put the name of it here, announce it, set up the new account, and then delete this one.
So for any of my current, few followers, it would be greatly appreciated if you went and followed the new account. Any early traction I can get will be very useful to any publicity me and my friend would like in the future- no matter how small, that sort of traction can go long ways.
Happy creating!