;;  back after a very, very long, unannounced hiatus lol
          	-- and since I'm not quite dead -
          	•◦♀ please comment back for a one liner / starter !
          	** pls specify mood ± location ± ect. !


did i spill that on you..?  god,  i'm very sorry.


—| @summersmusic 
            " It's perfect . Thank you . " Accepting the pale material with a grateful nod, the young woman pressed it against the dampened part of her dress. She didn't appear particularly concerned. " Was the drink to your satisfaction, at least, before it reached its tragic end ? " She humoured.


"a cloth?"  after a moment of thought,  he remembered something.  he had some kind of handkerchief thing in his pocket.  it had been given to him.  he pulled out the folded white cloth and handed it over.  "is this good?"


—| @summersmusic 
            " Ah  — no need to fret . It's merely clothing . Though a cloth or perhaps a handkerchief would be greatly appreciated . "


i-i’m  sorry,  i  didn’t  mean  to  lash  out  on  you  like  that.  


            " So you mean to say you've had a child out of wedlock ? Or am I misunderstanding you ? "


“it  will.  and  oh,  just  a  small  problem.  my  daughters  father  showing  up  once  again  to  make  our  lives  complicated-”


            " I hope that promise will remain unbroken . However, I must ask, what is it that had you so vexed ? "


;; ima make alice younger for this if you don't mind —
          the blonde wasn't ever keen on doing work for the upper class . she was usually treated like dirt , which she already got enough of from her parents . when she learned that she'd be working as a scullery maid at a businessman's home , she wasn't enthusiastic in the slightest , though she was a bit curious as to how the owner of the home had found out about her . perhaps her parents had listed her off ? or , maybe , just word of mouth . regardless , she tried to brush off her own confusion the morning of her first day , approaching the house from the carriage she'd arrived in .


" n-no ! no , not at all , " she tried to reassure quickly . " i-i'm simply ... not accustomed to being acknowledged like this ... "


—| @ppatchingup 
            Marianne rose her brows slightly.  " It doesn't make you uncomfortable, by any chance, does it ? " She inquired fretfully, though with enough calmness to not appear frantic or otherwise alarm anyone. But it really depend upon ones sensitivity to these things. " Oh, I do apologise if it does — It is truly frightful how thoughtless I may be at times, good heavens . "


she sighed lightly , trying not to start wringing her hands — that would look unprofessional ... " terribly sorry , milady . i've simply never been addressed in such a manner ... " she tried to relax a bit , but it was hard for her , considering the situation . most of the people she worked for hardly gave her a passing glance .


mict glanced around, keeping his head down as he tapped the woman on her shoulder. his skin was icy cold, cold enough that someone standing next to him would have felt the icy chill. sometimes it was nice. sometimes it was just inconvenient. "excuse me?" he asked, giving the woman a smile. "do you happen to be a necromancer?"


"that's a kind motive. you're a good woman. i wish you the best of luck with your work." mict gave the woman another small smile before shoving his hands in his pockets and looking out into the night. someone out there was dying, or close to it. time for him to stop... malingering. loitering? either / or, maybe. "again, it was a pleasure to meet you, miss fantome. i hope our paths can cross again, someday." it wasn't likely, though. mict's memory was missing gaps - gaps that spanned decades or even centuries. sometimes he woke up in a new era. it happened. he didn't let it bother him. much. by comparison, the life spans of humans was like the blink of an eye. he preferred the company of trees. redwoods and pines. they were always happy to see him, unlike most humans.


—| @-mictlantecuhtli 
            The helpful statement, though simple, was regarded as a tremendous compliment by the young necromancer. A girlish blush bloomed across her pale and delicate face, her gaze drifting off to the side as a hand of hers reached up to softly scratch the back of her neck – a common response to any sort of praise, whether intended or not. " Ah – thank you . That is most kind of you, sir . " She offered a soft smile of her own, hoping that her words would be enough to convey her gratitude. It had certainly aided her confidence, that was for sure. " I suppose all I truly wish is to provide people with a form of closure . Many tend to feel rather distraught after the passing of a loved one, so I can only hope that my work is enough to give them a small amount of comfort until they're ready to accept and move on . That also extends out to any of the spirits I may encounter . " The crutch she held, she set down against the ground, it pecking at the pavement like a tall and agile bird. An illustrious grin plastered itself over her features, bashfulness subsiding once more. " That's quite alright . I'm more than happy to satisfy the curiosity of those that are willing to listen . "


"i see," mict said quietly. he didn't quite approve of all this, but - well, who was he to judge? mict was simply passing through, so to speak. he remembered when this land had been all forest and marsh, the thames when it was clear and wild. for all he knew, this was just another one of his memories - or another one of someone else's memories. "you don't feel like a fraud," he said helpfully, dark eyes twinkling with the small, almost shy smile he gave her. the lamplight slipping over his high cheekbones and forehead almost made him look skeletal, turning his eyes into dark, indistinct hollows until the only bright thing about him was the flash of his teeth in the gloom. 
            mict could feel death hanging around her, which wasn't nearly as unpleasant as it sounded. "thank you for indulging my questions," he said with a small laugh. "it was interesting to hear about. i appreciate it." it was always nice to learn more, especially about those who had powers that affected the dead.


" Oh, is there something yov needed? I'm afraid that my vegetables are ovt of season... "


            She didn't respond at first, simply humming in consideration as she rested a curled forefinger against her bottom lip. " They did seem fairly feminine ... " The woman muttered to herself, doing so thoughtfully. And unintentionally dismissing the lad's question in the process.


            " Ah, well... Hm.. do family members covnt? My great grandmother had passed a few days ago. Vnfortvnately I covldn't tend to her fvneral thovgh.. " he rambled on with a light chvckle." Why do yov ask? "


            " Well, this may sound like a bit of an odd, non-contextual and most probably insensitive query, but – " The lady paused for a moment, pursing her lips as she thought of the best way to phrase what it was that she wanted to ask. " Has there been anyone in your acquaintance that has died, as of late ? "


ah..   do please mind the bird -- !   or the wolf ..   


      lukewarm irises followed the other,  lips twisting into an small frown from behind the mask of cloth that mostly covered his facade -- only to leave his eyes untouched.  casting gaze on the sight of it,         ❛     mayhaps.   it certainly looks FAMILIAR,     but it's possible i'm mistaken.   who exactly is your client?    if you don't mind me asking.    ❜      hums emit from the throat,    gently placing vials of beasts' blood on the table &  he unpins legs from his desk,    sitting up properly ( to at least show some fork of formality or respect,   although he never particularly specialized in that type of field.  ) 


—| @vanesblood 
            Swallowing her saliva slightly, she lightly paced towards the desk at which the male was sat, setting down the walking stick in a gentle but certainly not meek gesture. Its caramel-coloured glaze gleamed under the dim lighting of the room, under further inspection, bearing various copper adornments and a collection of initials engraved along its side. " I have a certain ... / client /, who wants me to find the owner of this cane . Apparently, they had some unfinished business with them that they wish for me to look into . " She explained, crossing her arms over her chest. " Does it look familiar, perchance ? "


'   an assignment?   &  whatever promise or sorts..  why has it brought you here,  hm?   '    curiosity laces his words,   gloved fingers tapping against the wooden table softly ; not even bothering to arose from his chair,     '  quite curious about that / undertaking  /.  '   


The young man stumbled out the opium den, lace dress stained with blood, yet he was still giggling and chasing after something only he could see


            " ' Run it ? ' " She repeated, cocking her head to the side slightly. Mind you, Mary Ann certainly wasn't of the dense, dumb sort, but to say that she hadn't quite connected the dots yet would be truthful. After all, she had just been under the impression that it was simply an odd-looking residence, not exactly an opium den. " And I'd say that I'm merely more open-minded than most – that tends to happen when your occupation exposes you to plenty of different and diverse characters . "


            He gestures at the building he just came out of. “My uh... friend runs it.” He flushed slightly, looking away now and letting go of her hand. “You... you’re friendly... not like most-“


            " Miss Mary Ann Lennox . " The female introduced herself, accepting the other's hand and gently shaking it with her own. She raised a brow at his words, taking them as a warrant to assume that whoever it was that anticipated him back home was either unaware or disapproving of his choice of wardrobe. " Then, perhaps a friend's home ? I wouldn't wish to leave you here alone, in such a state more less . "