you're dating my sister , right ? maybe we should have a drink and a talk .

@MISERYBUSINESS- ◇ ♤ yeah , she's a real romantic . 's not a bad thing , but i definitely didn't expect it . * he laughed quietly before growing serious once more , nodding gently . * yeah yeah , i'll look out for her . no one in this city fucks with her if they know what's good for 'em .

she adores you - it's kinda sickening , in a romantic way . but seriously , i am glad she's found somewhere she's safe . as safe as you can get here anyway . * he paused , taking a deep breath before sighing softly . * i know so . it's great to know i don't have to worry about her as much knowing she has someone watching her back .

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@MISERYBUSINESS- ◇ ♤ yeah ? damn , i feel special . hails probably will too , the little shit . * he hummed before taking a drag of his cigarette , exhaling the smoke slowly . * ya think so ? thanks . i'm more than happy to always be there for her .