Author’s note:
Some people have been asking ‘hey Alice, why have you not put a description for ‘Carolyn cross?’’
Here are the reasons:
• I just want to make my story sound mysterious 0.o! (is it working?)
• No one would guess it is a MCR/teen pregnancy/love story
I have actually written a lot of draft descriptions but I think they don’t really...describe the story. Like, I am afraid if I post it as the description people will think it is something else.
And that is pretty much it!
Also, I know I have done this like a billion times, but I want to thank iloveMCR for all of her help! I am pretty sure I am done with that...for now.
Also I am thinking of doing a Q&A when I get more fans!
If you’re awesome you will do the following:
Spray-paint a unicorn on your grandma’s oxygen tank.