I won’t be able to update Ruinous as of now. Trying to finalize the plot!


@VIXADION dw take ur time ! ill wait for it :3


Man, that was 4 hours of writing


@nunny2000 now, now, we’ll get better the more we do it 


@VIXADION well kudos cause i could neverr the max ive ever writen is 500 words 


hii i really love your works !! is there any chance you'll be updated soon ?? 


@sew3r_ and pls dont stop writing or ill cry 


@sew3r_ omg thank u sm. i'll wait patiently for sanzu's ff hehe !!


@sew3r_ Thank you! I saw the comment you guys left, and it actually made me consider working on the stories again. Let me try to update this week, or if not, I'll do it next week. TヮT


i got angsty sorry idea
          sanzu x kanji..
          HEAR ME OUT! (yk the muto x sanzu are is cute) along with Kanji being around the same age as Kanji, I got idea.
          kanji (adult Kanji, 30ish years old in 2016 since its set in the timeline origin at 2003) anyway I have a ansgty story w it
          Since Sanzu killed Muto, his mentor and brother-like figure, he has felt lonely. Over time, after Toman disbanded and Tenjiku fell, Bonten, the illegal organization, rose to power. In this dark period, Sanzu starts sleeping with Kanji—a rough, angry older man—because he misses Muto and realizes he's in love with the memories of him.
          As a drug user and addict, Sanzu often gets high, and during their intimate moments, he imagines Kanji as Muto. Meanwhile, Kanji genuinely loves Sanzu but is tormented by the fact that Sanzu is in love with a dead man instead of him thus being rough and angry in bed.


Also, maybe for their intimate moments, you could build it up with smaller, quieter moments first like meaningful glances, accidental touches, or heartfelt conversations. That kind of buildup would make the eventual realization of their feelings hit even harder. Just some thoughts! And thank you for trusting your ideas with me


@sirhanma hmm I think it would be really nice if there was more of a slow burn in how their feelings develop. Like, instead of rushing into it, you could show Sanzu slowly realizing that what he feels for Kanji isn’t just tied to his grief for Muto, but something deeper and more personal. That would make the emotional shift feel more natural and impactful. You could also explore more of Kanji’s side of things—how he’s dealing with the whole ‘being compared to a dead guy’ thing. It could add some really good tension if he’s torn between loving Sanzu and feeling like he’s just a stand-in for Muto.