how (some) writers depict depression:
"he made me smile, wow I haven't laughed or smiled in such a long time beCaUse I hAve dePrEssiOn."
"Hi, my name is Mia and I have dEprEssiOn. I have cuts that I hide beneath my sleeves and cry myself to sleep every night! But that all changed when I met HIM"
"I sat alone because I have dePrEsSsion. But one day HE sat beside me and that CHANGED EVERYTHING!!!!"
Y'all depression can't suddenly be fixed with some lovey dovey shiz, aight? Its a chemical imbalance that people can't help but have that leaves them not wanting to ever get out of bed, have suicidal thoughts, lose interest in hobbies and things they loved before they had it, etc etc. Yes, it can happen due to trauma or something that happened in your life and yes it can be treatable. STOP ROMANTICIZING MENTAL ILLNESSES PLEASE!