
          	It's been a while. Had to take a good break and work on self. Healing is such a long process and it truly takes committment. Due to that, I had to step away from my craft. Now I am back, and more motivated! Thank you to all who have supported my work through the little bit of time I have been here. Also want to thank the new readers. 
          	Good news is, I will continue working on my current projects. Falling in Love with Fashion, is still the love of my life lol. However, I will be working on Darkness Shadows first. There is so much I want to add to it from a spiritual point of view!
          	I cant wait to start sharing with you all again! 
          	See you all soon.


          It's been a while. Had to take a good break and work on self. Healing is such a long process and it truly takes committment. Due to that, I had to step away from my craft. Now I am back, and more motivated! Thank you to all who have supported my work through the little bit of time I have been here. Also want to thank the new readers. 
          Good news is, I will continue working on my current projects. Falling in Love with Fashion, is still the love of my life lol. However, I will be working on Darkness Shadows first. There is so much I want to add to it from a spiritual point of view!
          I cant wait to start sharing with you all again! 
          See you all soon.


Hello loves, 
          Wanted to first apologize to all that tonight I wasn’t able to do my Facebook live on my FB author page.  Received some bad news today. Will do my FB live tomorrow at noon. This upcoming Sunday Ch 3 of the Cellist will be available. Thank you all to those that have been reading the book so far I truly appreciate you all. Again, I apologize for not going live tonight. See you all tomorrow at 12 pm.


Hello everyone .... so I am doing a Facebook live in my Author page and Just talking about two of my novels I’m working on. You can tune in if you’d like and just share. Going to speak about a couple of things as far as my characters, the story plots and so forth. So hopefully you guys tune in at 1 pm eastern time❤️ 
          Here is the link to my Author page, share with other so they can also tune in. I will also answer questions if you have any


Hello all ... I know it’s been a while since I have written. However, my new story The Cellist is now ready to be read. Chapter 1 and 2 have been added. As always feedback is always welcomed. If you like ... hit the like button, comment and also share. Hope you all have a wonderful night❤️


I decided to got ahead and make some changes to Ch 7. I feel with the current situation between Jessica, Alec and even my new character Levi. Something has to put him in a position where he has to break. So I will be bringing Ch 7 down for a couple of days and then will Re-introduce it. Thank you all for the support :)