
Du to some circumstances, the writing of Out of the Abyss will be on hold for a little while. But! I will then work twice as hard on Bow To No One and my short stories :)


My NaNoWriMo 2016 novel is finished! It has been an incredible journey and such an accomplishment!  Take a look at it!! Twist Of Fate :)
          If you're so inclined, please help me fund my self publishing!
          By becoming one of my patrons ( www.patreon.com/vpsumah )
          or via GoFundMe ( www.gofundme.com/g9-self-publishing )
          From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!


I know I haven't posted an update in a while! I'm still working on chapter 5 of Out of the Abyss and chapter 2 of Bow To No One, but I've also been rather sick these past few days, so I didn't write a lot. I'll try to finish at least one of those chapters this coming week! :)