Hey y'all. Long time no talk! I know I've been extremely inconsistent with communicating with you guys but I've been preoccupied with writing outside of this platform and just with life's stresses in general. 
          	I wanted to make you guys aware of a platform called the O.V.O.S. Awards. O.V.O.S. stands for Our Voices, Our Stories. I'll paste the link to their handle at the end of this message so you guys can check it out. It's a platform that celebrates black authors and black literature as a whole. I really really really would love for yall to check it out. You can find out all of the detail in the link below. 


Hey y'all. Long time no talk! I know I've been extremely inconsistent with communicating with you guys but I've been preoccupied with writing outside of this platform and just with life's stresses in general. 
          I wanted to make you guys aware of a platform called the O.V.O.S. Awards. O.V.O.S. stands for Our Voices, Our Stories. I'll paste the link to their handle at the end of this message so you guys can check it out. It's a platform that celebrates black authors and black literature as a whole. I really really really would love for yall to check it out. You can find out all of the detail in the link below. 