Hi I'm Heidy I really like your story, I've been waiting for the next chapter and when I read your story I also listening Kodaline's song the title is 'Brother' and it really refer to your story and could you make a story that telling Shinichi die and Conan be stress? If ypu want is okay, but I'll still support you. Good luck!!! By the way where are you from?

@ivyheidy uWu!! Thank you so much! //*(^o^)*\\. It's my first time getting a response from a reader^^'. I don't how to express myself. Thank you so much for reading my fanfic. You're right. I also refer to Kodaline - Brother. I'm so sorry as I won't be updating any stories at the moment. I'm stuck with a pile of assignments and I think this loadworks will end by December. I promise to update by then. And I am so sorry, I'm not taking any story request^^'. In the meantime, you can read my other stories (a bunch of one-shots actually) on asianfanfics.com (https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1201642/s-i-n-c-e-r-i-t-y) . This is where I just throw out my emotions/boredom in the story^^