Be the first to congratulate an opponent who succeeds

كانت كطفله تبتعد ثم يعقب عنآدها ندم و تأتيني بآكيه طآلبه السمآح و حُضني ♥.

Live your life 🔔just for yourself🌺

. اعشق ذلك الشخص الذي يشعرني بـأنني شي يخصه فقط🥺♥️

LIFE'S SHORT. 🤩If you don't look around once in a while you might miss it

لن اعارض نومك إن كان في حضني ♥.

A man will continue acting like a child until his mother's death, then he will age in a sudden

  • Joined17 hours ago
