
AO3 is down for its 10 hour maintenance so you know what that means. BACK TO WATTPAD BOISSSS!!!!


Wattpad Make it make sense.
          Ok so you can cuss and swear and talk about sexual themes in books and stuff but in the comments you can’t do none of that? Like a single cuss word will get the comment marked as inappropriate or offensive and for some reason reported?
          Like if someone is out there reporting comments with swears in them then that’s just dumb cause almost every single book on this app has cuss words in both the books itself and the comments section.(I’m not assuming someone is doing this I’m just saying)


          I’m wanting a co-author to a book of mine, it will specifically be posted on ao3 so if any of you meet these requirements then DM me and we will talk.
          1. Has an Ao3 account.
          2. Is at-least 18+ cause my books are rated mature.
          3. Has discord so we can talk about the book.
          4. Writes DSMP fanfics.
          5. Understands that my books are in no way connected to the content creators themselves, only about their Minecraft skins.


So I have decided that I will not be posting anymore books on here, I will still update my one-shots book. But my finished ones will stay on here and my unfinished ones will be classified as discontinued. My unfinished books will be continued on AO3 though and Any thing else that I write will be posted on AO3 as well. So if you love my writing please go read it on AO3 it would mean a lot.


Again I will say. That my fics are ships out the Minecraft skins or Characters. Not the Content Creators themselves. Hence why I have made all of them in the setting of a Minecraft world of fantasy world with guards and kings and queens. Nowhere in my fics is there any implications that I have been shipping the Content Creators.
          I’m all for people having their own opinions when it comes to shipping but my opinion on this matter is that as long as you aren’t shipping the content Creators themselves then it’s alright because it’s just a piece of writing it can be taken down and deleted if necessary. Because nowhere in my books does it that the actual names of the content Creators like clay, or William, or Alex. Yes I may Use the Name Phil but I’m in no way using his full name Philip, I’m using the name Phil in a context that is purely based on the Character/Minecraft Skin.
          If I have any implications in my fics then please tell me so that I can fix them please and thank you.     <3