
Chek your email.. I already sent back chapter 8.


@jo_fab thanks a lot friend


@VaibhavKanade I think it will. Coz people wi see it on my list and hopefully  they will open the story too... 


@jo_fab thanks a lot for adding my story to dark. Will it help me in increasing my readers? 


Hi yes I just finished all your uploaded chapters. The plot is very interesting, too fast paced but still good. Only one problem, and I hope you don't get angry or mad about it. I have a lot of I dian and Pakistani friends. Although I'm not from any of those places, just met them here and from another app. Big problems with grammar. I hope you can fix it. Your story is really good. As a dark fiction writer myself I would really rate the plot of your story full stars. Only the grammar, it gets in the way and makes it a bit hard to read. I hope you can find someone to edit and fix it.
          I barely meet dark fiction writers like myself. I do hope you don't find what I said insulting. The best way for us to improve is to accept criticism.
          BTW, Rage of whispers have almost 150 chapters, bordering to 300,00 words. So I decided to update a couple of chapters a day. It will take till the end of the year if I only upload 1 at a time.
          But if you think it's best to upload one at a time. I will gladly take your word for it.
          Ps. Dark fiction is amazing isn't it?.. I hope you continue your story. I will keep reading it. Just really wish you can fix the grammar. It destroyed the beauty of your story. 


Friend I have mailed you my new chapter plz read when u get free