Thank you so much for voting on my story, ditching Greek :) I hope you're liking it so far.

@romanceisntdead Definitely! I'm really looking forward to it! I'm really pleased that you decided to keep Colum in the story, because as I said I do have a sweet spot for him. And I'm also glad that I gave you some 'new thoughts' as you put it! All in all, I'm... glad :P And congrats on the Watty! :)

@Neophobix hmm, those are some new thoughts I've never heard of. Interesting. I won't tell you any spoilers, that wouldn't be very nice of me lol :P and yes Lane and Clyde do have a long way to go. I've seen a lot of stories where the guy who was cheated on is completely disregarded and never brought up again and I figured I didn't want that for Colum. And since I'm writing a sequel, that's why I don't give all the answers away. I started the book knowing I wanted to write a second book. Hope you read Fighting Greek too once it's out. Also thanks for answering my questions!

@romanceisntdead Honestly, I feel like Clyde and Lane still have a LONG way to go. We obviously know that Lane isn't going to be able to let go of Colum and fully dedicate herself to Clyde until she and Colum have some kind of conversation or confrontation, which is something I am looking forward to because I actually like Colum as a character even if we haven't seen a lot of him. Then again I am known for my weird love of a lot of 'evil' characters in books, so maybe that's why.... I also love the plot twist that he never went to Ireland, even if I did see it coming from one of their phone calls, but the whole dynamic of that kind of relationship fascinates me a little. I have so many questions about it! Like did Colum actually love Lane, or was he just a Vander who wanted to be more involved in that 'world'? How did he know that Lane was the Helen reincarnate when she didn't even know? Why didn't Colum just stay by her side instead of pretending to go off to Europe? And I know you could answer those questions, but I'm looking forward to reading the answers... so no spoilers please! As for my thoughts on the story, I think you are keeping a really great pace. And even if, like you said in your 'Dear Readers' post, it can be a little disjointed and repetitive in places I know that it's nothing that a little editing can't fix. I usually find that some of the stories on this website rush to give their readers as much information as possible as quickly as they can, but in this story it's different because you hold a lot back. It's part of the reason why I really do want to read more because I have so many unanswered questions. For example, I want to know the whole Helen and Raymond story (which might make a good short companion story if you feel up to writing it).