Hello people !!!...
I believe that we have power to control our anger and express our pain,thoughts,love,care and everything ...just by writing them down...So here I have wrote my feelings and thoughts .... I hope all of you will love my work and give a positive response to it....it will be great if you all could suggest me something or some topic which you want to be wrote by me... I would be highly obliged if you love my work and suggest and encourage me to do more... Thank you for reading my work !!.. HAVE A NICE DAY !!!...
  • انضمJuly 10, 2016


قصة بقلم Vaishnavi Manchanda
INTIMACY بقلم VaishnaviManchanda
If you have ever loved someone from all your heart N if you ever felt the pain of a broken heart you will sur...
2 قوائم قراءة