I want to cryyyy! I got a 76% on my English test and my whole grade for History is a 92%!! I'm so stressed!!! My parents are going to be so disappointed in me!! Ughhh with the way things are going i'm going to fail my freshman year of high school!!!! I'm actually freaking out!!
Listen, I know some of me are going to come at me like: 'Girl 92% is still a pass' and 'a 76% isn't even that bad'
Lets get one thing straight. To me, that's not good. That's awful. I'm the kind of person where I normally always get perfect grades, even if I have to stay up until 1 doing a math assignment. I'm actually panicking right now about my grades.
I know some people are going to try and make me feel bad about this post. They're going to think i'm attention seeking. I'm not. If you don't want to read this, then go. Leave. I'm not asking you to read this. This is a personal vent. Something to make ME feel a little bit better.
To everyone still reading this, thank you for putting up with my vent. Very sorry to disrupt your day.