Well a little about myself
The name's Skyler. You can call me either Sky or Skyler or Valdimire or Valdy.
I am a 18 year old female Asian mixed blood.
I am currently in my second year of college studying Engineering. ( two more years to completion )
I like math. . .oddly enough
Sometimes I tend to be dead on social media (I blame school)
I enjoy writing fictional stories and poems
Singing is also another one of my hobbies
Meeting new people (online or offline) as well
If I'm talking about something I like, I'll either talk super fast or type super fast and the conversation could go on for ages until some external source decides to exterminate the conversation
I enjoy reading a good story (be it e book or a physical book)
I listen to a lot of weird music, in a lot of languages
I am also always confused so don't mind me

And that's about it.
I'm a pretty boring person sooooo
  • ✾ Dying in school ✾
  • JoinedJuly 19, 2014