
Gente es de mi agrado informarles que ya termine el capitulo 1 del fanfic (y si word no se equívoca tiene 8000 palabras). Ya hoy termine de releerlo y arreglar errores e incongruencias, ya mañana lo publicaria para tener tiempo de revisar que todo este en orden en el proceso de pasar todo y que por ejemplo no desaparezca todo un párrafo (parece chiste pero me paso una vez).
          	Sin mas que decir me despido y que tengan una buna noche, tarde o dia. Dependiendo cuando lo leas esto.
          	People, it is my pleasure to inform you that chapter 1 of the fanfic is over (and if word is not mistaken, it has 8000 words). Today I finished rereading it and fixing errors and inconsistencies, and tomorrow I would publish it to have time to check that everything is in order in the process of passing everything and that, for example, a whole paragraph does not disappear (it seems like a joke but it happened to me once). Without more to say, I say goodbye and have a good night, afternoon or day. Depending on when you read this.


          	  Everything for a friend (if you want, though).


@ LorenzoFerrari2002  Thanks for the words, they sincerely help give me motivation to continue. Although as I said it was going to take a while, since it's not easy I wrote something so long without it being boring or very dense, besides making sense. 


          	  Waiting for the next chapter! Do your best!


Team RWBY decides to sing in honor of the fallen of ww2 on the first anniversary of the end (according to Ruby's memories, they found the day and organized a whole concert with songs of the war):


            Are you on Deviantart? I have a profile there.
            Also, I maybe found a more fitting song than the one I sent at the start of this particular conversation (I personally think you'll agree with me on that):


@ LorenzoFerrari2002  Aaaa, Well that's a shame. Do you know of any other application where we can continue talking without needing Wattpad? 


            I've not. I don't personally trust it


Good news, mate! Today is my 22th birthday!


            Thanks (sorry for the delay, I didn't see that you replied)


@ LorenzoFerrari2002  Wow, Congrats man! 
            I hope you are having a good time and that you celebrate without problems. 


When the new chapter?
          Sorry, but I'm starting to be tired of waiting...


@ LorenzoFerrari2002  It's close, school is basically over and this is the last week in which we are doing farewell events, etc. Basically I graduated, and finished everything for university. 
            So then I'll have 3 months of vacation where I won't do anything, so I can write. 


Gente es de mi agrado informarles que ya termine el capitulo 1 del fanfic (y si word no se equívoca tiene 8000 palabras). Ya hoy termine de releerlo y arreglar errores e incongruencias, ya mañana lo publicaria para tener tiempo de revisar que todo este en orden en el proceso de pasar todo y que por ejemplo no desaparezca todo un párrafo (parece chiste pero me paso una vez).
          Sin mas que decir me despido y que tengan una buna noche, tarde o dia. Dependiendo cuando lo leas esto.
          People, it is my pleasure to inform you that chapter 1 of the fanfic is over (and if word is not mistaken, it has 8000 words). Today I finished rereading it and fixing errors and inconsistencies, and tomorrow I would publish it to have time to check that everything is in order in the process of passing everything and that, for example, a whole paragraph does not disappear (it seems like a joke but it happened to me once). Without more to say, I say goodbye and have a good night, afternoon or day. Depending on when you read this.


            Everything for a friend (if you want, though).


@ LorenzoFerrari2002  Thanks for the words, they sincerely help give me motivation to continue. Although as I said it was going to take a while, since it's not easy I wrote something so long without it being boring or very dense, besides making sense. 


            Waiting for the next chapter! Do your best!